Home Updates VDH7 Cancelled Until Further Notice

VDH7 Cancelled Until Further Notice

June 30th, 2020

Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, Youth Leaders, and Benefactors:

With the recent spike in positive COVID cases, states delaying reopening plans, rising concern over a second wave, the uncertainty of a working vaccine, and not to mention, the diminished mental readiness free of worry from our members to fully participate in the excitement leading to VDH7; with the above concerns, the National Leadership Council (Hội Đồng Lãnh Đạo) on June 26th, 2020 has unanimously voted to cancel VDH7 until the condition is more favorable. With faith in the decision rendered, I hereby inform you that our VDH7 event is cancelled until further notice.

I understand this decision may bear some disappointments and I completely empathize with those sentiments. As a collective body in Christ, let us come together in solidarity with one another and support one another as we work through this challenge together. I assure you, once we overcome this pandemic, VDH7 will resume with fresh energy and creative ideas, with a greater sense of community and togetherness, and of renewed joy to celebrate our faith.

Just as the Organizing Committee has worked diligently to plan for this event, the same effort will be directed in coordinating the remaining outstanding VDH7 tasks. Please see the following important information:

  1. All remaining registration entries will automatically be refunded. Please have patience with us as we strive to expedite all refunds. If you have not received a refund by July 19th, 2020, please contact headquarters@veym.net to follow up.
  2. Those who have won complimentary registrations or cash prizes during some of our promotional events or competitions, those will be honored and applied to the next VDH7.
  3. The VDH7 Raffle Drawings will proceed as planned this 4th of July at 12:30PM EDT via Facebook live. Please join us at our drawings.
  4. All Organizing Committee generated funds from VDH7 raffle tickets (approximately $95,000.00 net) will be put in a VDH7 account and will only to be used when VDH7 commenced.
  5. Generated funds from VDH7 whether through Chapter or personal raffle ticket sales must be reserved for future VDH7 operations. We have an ethical and moral obligation to those who we sold raffle tickets to, to use the generated funds for VDH7 activities.

Without a doubt, the current pandemic has posed many challenges to us, nonetheless, through our love for the VEYM, we have fought strong, is steering forward, and will soar higher. As Bishop Nguyễn Thái Thành eloquently stated in his homily yesterday during Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống Convention’s closing mass, let us “pray” and pray without ceasing as Jesus did. Let us be “obedient to the will of God”, offer up to HIM our “services” thus far with VDH7, and have faith in the blessings to come at the next VDH7.

Fr. Francis Xavier Nguyễn Thanh Bình, SVD
General Chaplain

Tr. Đaminh Hoàng Công Thái Dương
President, National Executive Committee

Official Documents:
